Thursday, 6 March 2014

Scrapbooking–me!?! i know….


For those of you that dont know im really no Scrapbooker – I’ll admit im actually quite scared of it – not sure if its the cutting the photos, or just deciding what photos to scrap – the whole thing is daunting.. But last week i decided to sort it out and I ordered myself 2 books – Page Maps 1 & 2 from Amazon, and I signed up to an online class – and I WILL Scrap im determined…

so heres a double page i made over the weekend… i hope you like it.. I’d love to hear what you think so please leave me comment..

This is an 8x8 double page – Inspired by the first challenge of the class i enrolled on.. the challenge is to create a layout that features at least 3 photos (taken at different times) that illustrate a particular trait in someone you love…


As you can see i choose my son – and to me each photo even from very young shows his cheeky-ness…



I also had to included a stitched pocket for a tag…


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Dont forget Sale-a-bration is on now choose a FREE gift with every £45 order.

Any questions please dont hesitate to get in contact, for a copy of the new sale-a-bration and/  or Spring & Summer Cattie posted to your door for free please let me know … 01842 828643 or email

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Thank you for coming by today, til next time, happy stampin’

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1 comment:

  1. Love the pages. I seriously need to start scrapbooking again. I miss it so much.

    when you start scrapbooking your son you'll realise how quuck he's grown up snd wonder where the time has gone. ..

    keep up the good work


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