Monday, 2 June 2014

Make My Monday Weddings

Wow what a beautiful day yesterday, i hope you all spent it doing something lovely , i spent the day at Hockwold Country Fair sharing my love and passion for crafting and specially Stampin’ Up!

Well its Monday which means one thing Make My Monday new challenge and this weis my turn to chose the theme and ive chosen Weddings as JUNE is apparently the most popular month to marry!!

To play along to visit the MMM Blog HERE

Heres a wedding invite i made

mmm wedding

mmm weddign2

Heres what ive used to make my invite

PS dont forget the Stampin’ Up! retirement list are out to view them click on links below…. stocks going fast so be quick

to view retiring stamps click HERE

to view retiring accessories click HERE

The lists are valid for one month or until stocks last, up to 50% off too

to order you can email me, call or buy online at my shop HERE

Place an order online during JUNE and receive the NEW ANNUAL CATTIE FOR FREE

please dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions


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  1. Great card Laura and love those red hearts.
    Fliss xx

  2. Really pretty card Laura. Love all the hearts.

  3. A lovely card - great choice of stamp set too! - Jacqueline xx

  4. Great design - I especially love the heart aperture.

  5. Such a pretty wedding invitation, love the colour combo
    Suzi B


© Design by Neat Design Corner