Friday, 24 November 2017

Stampin' Up! Number of years

So there are still offers  running this week including the Number of Years Stamp set... And heres a cute little card I made recently using it... and the Pretty Kitty Stamp set...

Isnt it cute!!! the little boy who I made this card for LOVESSSSS cats!

Here is everything I used to make my card:

To order simply click on a pic below to do straight to my online shop, where you can create a secure account to order and then have the goodies delivered to your chosen address..
When you shop online use the hostess code for orders under £150.00 and you will receive an extra thank you from me... this will arrive separately from your order and will come direct from myself...
                                                      HOSTESS CODE :S7QYPKGT

 photo signature.png

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