Monday, 3 June 2019

IDEAS Group - Free PDF Tutorial - June

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I'm so excited to share with you today the JUNE edition IDEAS Group PDF Tutorial. 
We are a  group of Stampin' Up! Demonstrators from all over the world!  Each month we create and share a Tutorial Bundle which you can get for FREE through me when you place a £30 order of Stampin' Up! Products! or £12 for the Tutorial bundle only without a placing an order, to purchase the instructions for £12 click HERE  to email me.

The tutorial Bundle will then be emailed to you via a PDF. 
All instructions are in full colour and include pictures and description tutorials.

Here is what I've made for the tutorial bundle this month

The instructions are also available for Demonstrators to purchase for class use, 
and for Demonstrators who are members of my Team they are FREE, 

Demonstrators wishing to purchase the instructions for class or personal use cost is £10 please email me here with a copy of your demo ID and facebook page or blog link.

This Months theme is Begineer, Casual and Avid crafter

I've used the New Daisy Lane Stamp set to create my cards, for those in the UK I have created a two bundle options below to earn the PDF tutorial for FREE see below

What does the bundle include:

Each tutorial features at least one card and one project from each group member, some include multiples. If you would like a copy of the instructions for these projects to use for your personal use, or even to use in your classes? 
Contact me HERE

Once you have received your PDF, please remember not to share or distribute the printed or electronic copies of these bundles. We have worked hard to provide these exclusive projects for your use. If you know someone that would like to purchase the bundle, please direct them to me to obtain their copy, 

Thank you for your support.

Receive your FREE tutorial today, simply place your £30 order with me 
before the 31st March to receive the tutorial for FREE
Orders can be placed via my online shop or my calling or emailing me.

You can see all of this months projects by following on the blog hop, 
click on the next button to visit Janey's blog

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Daisy Lane Bundle - Get the PDF for FREE


Daisy Lane Stamp set @ £21.00
Daffodil Delight ink pad @ £7.00
Pear Pizzazz Ink pad @ £7.00

I will send you  the FREE PDF plus the following

3 x Daffodil Delight, 
2 x Whisper White and 
 1 x Thick Whisper White

all for £35 (plus £3 postage)


all of the above PLUS Add on the Daisy Punch @ £17.00

total £52.00 (plus £3.00 postage) 
and I will send you a FREE pack of 
Faceted Gems worth £4.75

To order  either of the bundles send me an email HERE and I will email you with an 
invoice via Paypal to pay

If you don't already have a demonstrator or are looking for a demonstrator I would be delighted if you choose to order your Stampin' Up! products through me, you can shop with me now via my online shop, I'm committed to providing excellent customer service and I'm always happy to offer help when placing your order or if you need product advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch, 01842 828643

Don't forget when you shop online to use my Monthly Hostess code, for a FREE extra goodie from me, this will arrive after your order and come direct from me with a hand made card... This month hostess code is 6WC6VMCH (for orders under £150)

Thank you so much for coming by today


  1. These projects make me so happy!! I cannot wait to play with this bundle!!

  2. These are so cheerful and sweet! Thank you for hopping with us and sharing your talent!

  3. Love the summer colours! Can't wait for blooms! Great projects!


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